Top mount starter/generator with SS splash cover.

Turbine Marine Inc is also the first company to offer a T53 engine with a top mounted starter/generator. This engine modification alone, has been the single most important step in creating a true Marine turbine engine. In the past, the starter was mounted on the bottom of the engine, as it would be in the aircraft. However, in a boat, this would locate the starter 3” away from the bilge water, and problems, making maintenance and replacement of the starter impossible without engine removal. This issue has been the single largest downfall of the T53 Turbine engine in marine applications, and it is now solved. Removal of a starter for service on a AMF engine package requires only 3 minutes and a 9/16 wrench. This and all the other turbine modifications come as standard equipment on the TM Offshore Extreme class engine package. After every engine has been re-assembled by our master turbine mechanic, they are re-inspected, dressed with accessories and run on the in house Dyno. Every engine is tested and tuned to perfection before it is installed in the boat. The Fully overhauled and marinized Turbine engine is only one part of the complete turbine package.

Standard new boat turbine configuration with surface drives. 96" engine room or longer.